Dark Angels Apocalypse Army List

The following army list represents my Dark Angels Apocalypse army lists, broken into three segments according to the history I'm writing.

Underlined = Unit complete
Italic = Unit in progress

Volatilis Obscurum (Rapid Darkness)
FALLEN EXPLORATORY FORCE - 5th Company w/ 1st, 2nd, Legio Titanicus
Supreme Grand Master Azrael
Chapter Grand Master with Lion's Wrath (master-crafted combi-plasgun), Sword of Secrets (master-crafted power sword), Lion Helm (iron halo), Protector (artificer armour).

Company Veterans Squad
Squad      1 Veteran      combi-melta, chainsword
                1 Veteran      storm bolter, chainsword
                1 Veteran      power maul, bolt pistol, storm shield
                1 Veteran      flamer
                1 Veteran      multi-melta
                5 Veterans    bolter

Mounted in a Land Raider Crusader 'Angelis Imperator'
with pintle-mounted storm bolter, HK missile, extra armour

Damocles Rhino 'Consecratae Ab Angelis'

Grand Master Librarian Ezekial
Librarian with Deliverer (master-crafted bolt pistol), Traitor's Bane (master-crafted force weapon), Book of Salvation, Psychic Hood and Secret's Shield (artificer armour)

Formation - Thunderhawk Interdictor Strike Force
Thunderhawk Gunship 'Alati Mors'
with thunderhawk cannon, 6 x TL heavy bolter, 2 x lascannons, 6 x bomb pylons

3 x Land Speeder Tempest 'Alati Mors'
with assault cannon, TL missile launcher, extra armour

Thunderhawk Gunship 'Velox Devastatio'
with turbo laser destructor, 6 x TL heavy bolter, 2 x lascannons, 6 x hellstrike missiles

3 x Land Speeder Tempest 'Velox Devastatio'
with assault cannon, TL missile launcher, extra armour

1st Company
Techmarine Squad 'Ennius'
Squad      1 Techmarine      power axe, servo-harness, auspex
                1 Servitor             plasma cannon
                1 Servitor             heavy bolter
                2 Servitors           servo-arm

Venerable Dreadnought 'Ancient Selaphiel'
with plasma cannon, missile launcher

Venerable Dreadnought 'Ancient Thammuz'
with TL lascannon, dreadnought CCW, storm bolter

Venerable Dreadnought 'Ancient Adrapan'
with assault cannon, dreadnought CCW, heavy flamer

Venerable Dreadnought 'Ancient Marut'
with TL autocannon, dreadnought CCW, storm bolter

Dreadnought 'Ancient Gabriel'
with TL lascannon, dreadnought CCW, storm bolter

Formation - Armoured Spearhead
Land Raider Promethius 'Sechoiro'
with TL heavy bolter, pintle-mounted multi-melta, HK missile, extra armour

2 x Land Raider 'Gagiel', 'Jetrel'
with 2 x TL lascannons, TL heavy bolter, pintle-mounted storm bolter, extra armour

2 x Land Raider Crusader 'Ridwan', 'Laboneton'
with 2 x hurricane bolters, TL assault cannon, pintle-mounted storm bolter, extra armour

Deathwing Knights Squad 'Sechoiro'
Squad      Sgt        Flail of the Unforgiven, storm shield
                4 TDA    Mace of Absolution, storm shield

Deathwing Terminator Squad 'Laboneton'
Squad      Sgt        thunder hammer, storm shield
                3 TDA    thunder hammer, storm shield
                1 TDA    thunder hammer, storm shield, cyclone missile launcher

Deathwing Terminator Squad 'Ridwan'
Squad     Sgt        lightning claws
               3 TDA   lightning claws
               1 TDA   lightning claws, cyclone missile launcher

Deathwing Terminator Squad 'Gagiel'
Squad     Sgt         power sword, storm bolter
               2 TDA    chain fist, storm bolter
               1 TDA    power fist, storm bolter
               1 TDA    power fist, plasma cannon

Deathwing Terminator Squad 'Jetrel'
Squad      Sgt        power sword, storm bolter
                2 TDA   chain fist, storm bolter
                1 TDA   power fist, storm bolter
                1 TDA   power fist, assault cannon 

2nd Company
Ravenwing Attack Squadron 'Qaphsiel'
Squad      Sgt Bike               power sword, bolt pistol
                3 Bikes                 bolt pistol
                2 Bikes                 meltagun
                Attack Bike           multi-melta, bolt pistol
                Land Speeder      assault cannon, heavy bolter

Ravenwing Support Squadron 'Curson'
Squad      1 Land Speeder      typhoon missile launcher, heavy bolter
                1 Land Speeder      assault cannon, heavy bolter
                1 Land Speeder      heavy bolter
                2 Land Speeders    multi-melta

5th Company
Formation - Battle Company
Company Master Ecanus
with bolt pistol, power sword

Command Squad 'Ecanus'
Squad      Apothecary      narthecium, reductor, chainsword
                Std Bearer       Dark Angels Chapter Banner, bolt pistol
                Champion        bolt pistol, power sword, combat shield
                Veteran            flamer
                Veteran            bolter

Mounted in a Razorback
with TL heavy bolter, pintle-mounted storm bolter, dozer blade, extra armour

1st Tactical Squad 'Amduscias'
Squad      10 Infantry with plasma cannon, meltagun
Vet. Sergeant has a plasma pistol, chainsword

Mounted in a Rhino
with pintle-mounted storm bolter, extra armour

2nd Tactical Squad 'Elijah'
Squad      10 Infantry with lascannon, plasma gun
Vet. Sergeant has a plasma pistrol, chainsword, melta bombs

Mounted in a Rhino
with pintle-mounted storm bolter, extra armour

3rd Tactical Squad 'Melek'
Squad      10 Infantry with heavy bolter, flamer
Vet. Sergeant has a bolt pistol, chainsword, melta bombs

Mounted in a Rhino
with pintle-mounted storm bolter, dozer blade, extra armour

4th Tactical Squad 'Verrier'
Squad      10 Infantry with missile launcher, flamer
Vet. Sergeant has a plasma pistol, chainsword, melta bombs

Mounted in a Rhino
with pintle-mounted storm bolter, extra armour

5th Tactical Squad 'Selith'
Squad      10 Infantry with lascannon, meltagun
Vet. Sergeant has a plasma pistrol, power fist, melta bombs

Mounted in a Rhino
with pintle-mounted storm bolter, dozer blade, extra armour

6th Tactical Squad 'Tirtael'
Squad      10 Infantry with heavy bolter, flamer
Vet. Sergeant has a plasma pistol, power maul, melta bombs

Mounted in a Rhino
with pintle-mounted storm bolter, dozer blade, extra armour

7th Assault Squad 'Kakabel'
Squad      10 Infantry with 2 x plasma pistol, 7 x bolt pistol
Vet. Sergeant has a plasma pistol, power sword, melta bombs

8th Assault Squad 'Micah'
Squad      10 Infantry with 2 x plasma pistol, 7 x bolt pistol
Vet. Sergeant has a plasma pistol, power fist, melta bombs

9th Devastator Squad 'Zagzagel'
Squad      10 Infantry with heavy bolter, lascannon, missile launcher, plasma cannon (Hvy weaps and Sgt done)
Vet. Sergeant has a bolt pistol, chainsword

Mounted in a Rhino
with pintle-mounted storm bolter, extra armour

10th Devastator Squad 'Hamael'
Squad      10 Infantry with 2 x lascannon, 2 x missile launcher
Vet. Sergeant has a plasma pistol, power sword

Mounted in a Rhino
with pintle-mounted storm bolter, extra armour
Mortis Dreadnought 'Barthinadir'
with 2 x TL lascannon

2 x Mortis Dreadnought 'Benenonyll', 'Buriel'
with 2 x missile launcher

Formation - Suppression Force
Ravenwing Land Speeder Vengeance 'Celeri Provisorem'
with plasma storm battery, assault cannon

5 x Whirlwind 'Justi Furoris', 'Igneus Imber', 'Penalem Kalumnia', 'Mors ex Supra', 'Mortiferus Procella'
with pintle-mounted storm bolter, HK missile

Formation - Line Breaker Squadron
5 x Vindicator 'Scuto Ruptor', 'Transfigentibus Iustitia', 'Ruderibus Factori', 'Civitas Conterat', 'Ignis Rulnam'
with pintle-mounted storm bolter, dozer blade, extra armour

2 x Predator Annihilator 'Letalis Interfector', 'Opacus Interfector'
with pintle-mounted storm bolter, TL lascannon, 2 x heavy bolter, extra armour

2 x Predator Annihilator 'Levis Interfector', 'Furtivis Interfector'
with pintle-mounted storm bolter, TL lascannon, 2 x lascannon, extra armour

Predator Infernus 'Conlucentes Interfector'
with pintle-mounted storm bolter, flamestorm cannon, 2 x heavy flamer, HK missile

Predator Infernus 'Furtivis Interfector'
with pintle-mounted storm bolter, magna-melta, 2 x heavy flamer, HK missile

10th Company
Scout Squad 'Naaman'
Squad      Sgt.              bolt pistol, chainsword
                1 x Scout      heavy bolter
                8 x Scout      sniper rifle (4 complete)

Formation - Hyperios Air Defense Battery 'Fidem Scutum'
Tarantula Command Platform

3 x Tarantula Hyperios Platform

Formation - Armoured Spearhead
Land Raider Promethius 'Grando'
with 2 x TL heavy bolter, pintle-mounted multi-melta, HK missile, extra armour

Land Raider Achilles 'Anima Conliquefacio'
with thunderfire cannon, 2 x TL multi-melta, pintle-mounted storm bolter, HK missile, siege shield, extra armour

2 x Land Raider Terminus Ultra 'Procul Cuspis', 'Agens Matara'
with 3 x TL lascannon, 2 x lascannon, HK missile

2 x Land Raider Ares 'Candentis Interitum', 'Excoquunt Ruinam'
with demolisher cannon, TL assault cannon, 2 x TL heavy flamer, dozer blade, extra armour

Legio Titanicus
Formation - Venatarii Reaver Titan Maniple
Reaver Battle Titan 'Imperatoris Fide'
with gatling blaster, melta cannon, apocalpyse missile launcher

Reaver Battle Titan 'Imperatoris Clipeus'
with melta cannon, volcano cannon, apocalypse missile launcher

Reaver Battle Titan 'Imperatoris Irae'
with melta cannon, titan CCM, apocalypse missile launcher

Warhound Titan 'Imeperil Spectulator'
with plasma blastgun, 2 x turbo laser destructor

Warhound Titan 'Rapidis Explortis'
with plasma blastgun, vulcan mega-bolter

Warhound Titan 'Velox Furore'
with inferno gun, vulcan mega-bolter

Total Points - 20,119 pts
Ales Petentibus (Winged Seekers)
INTERROGATION FORCE - 7th Company w/ 1st
Master Interrogator-Chaplain Asmodai
Interrogator-Chaplain with power armour, rosarius, crozius arcanum, bolt pistol

Command Squad
Squad      1 Apothecary      bolt pistol
                1 Std Bearer       Sacred Standard, bolt pistol
                1 Veteran            chainsword, plasma pistol
                1 Veteran            melta-gun
                1 Veteran            bolter

Mounted in a Razorback
with pintle-mounted storm bolter, lascannon & TL plasmagun, dozer blade, extra armour

1st Company
Contemptor Pattern Dreadnought 'Ancient Rufibian'
with plasma cannon, dreadnought CCW, plasma blaster, cyclone missile launcher, targeting augury, extra armour

Contemptor Pattern Dreadnought 'Ancient Tzangiel'
with multi-melta, dreadnought CCW, graviton gun, cyclone missile launcher, targeting augury

Contemptor Pattern Dreadnought 'Ancient Mafriel'
with heavy conversion beamer, dreadnought CCW, storm bolter, cyclone missile launcher, targeting augury

Venerable Dreadnought 'Ancient Namiros'
with multi-melta, missile launcher

Venerable Dreadnought 'Ancient Cerraton'
with TL lascannon, missile launcher

Venerable Dreadnought 'Ancient Hipolepos'
with TL autocannon, dreadnought CCW, heavy flamer

Venerable Dreadnought 'Ancient Sahaman'
with plasma cannon, missile launcher

Venerable Dreadnought 'Ancient Yehuyha'
with assault cannon, dreadnought CCW, storm bolter

All mounted in Lucius Pattern Drop Pods

7th Company
6th Tactical Squad 'Ichthion'
Squad      10 Infantry with plasma cannon, flamer
Vet. Sergeant has a plasma pistol, chainsword, melta bombs

Mounted in a Rhino
with pintle-mounted storm bolter

7th Tactical Demi-Squad 'Nosmyel'
Squad      5 Infantry with plasma gun
Vet. Sergeant has a bolt pistol, chainsword, melta bombs

Mounted in a Razorback
with pintle-mounted storm bolter, TL lascannon

8th Tactical Demi-Squad 'Harab'
Squad      5 Infantry with flamer
Vet. Sergeant has a bolt pistol, power sword, melta bombs

Mounted in a Razorback
with pintle-mounted storm bolter, TL heavy bolter

9th Tactical Demi-Squad 'Akorok'
Squad      5 Infantry with plasma gun
Vet. Sergeant has a combi-plasmagun, power maul

Mounted in a Razorback
with pintle-mounted storm bolter, TL assault cannon

Formation - Armoured Spearhead
Land Raider Prometheus 'Divinum Erinys'
with pintle-mounted storm bolter, 2 x TL heavy bolters, extra armour, HK missile

2 x Land Raider Achilles 'Roboris Atque Virium', 'Afflige Infirma'
with pintle-mounted storm bolter, thunderfire cannon, 2 x TL multi-melta, extra armour

Land Raider Helios 'Purgatorio Angelorum'
with pintle-mounted storm bolter, whirlwind missile launcher, 2 x TL lascannon, extra armour

Land Raider Helios 'Implacabilis Pietatis'
with pintle-mounted storm bolter, hyperios missile launcher, 2 x TL lascannon, extra armour

2 x Land Raider Redeemer 'Baptismate Ignis', 'Conflatilem Ablutio'
with pintle-mounted storm bolter, multi-melta, TL assault cannon, 2 x flamestorm cannon, extra armour

Total Points - 5,300 pts
Sterilitate Vis (Sterilisation Force)
THE MIGHT OF THE CHAPTER - 1st, 2nd Companies w/ 6th
1st Company
Detachment - Belial and Retinue
Belial, Master of the Deathwing
with storm bolter, Sword of Silence (master-crafted power weapon), terminator armour

Deathwing Command Squad
Squad      Apothecary      nathecium, reductor, storm bolter
                Std Bearer       Deathwing Company Banner, storm bolter
                Champion        Halberd of Caliban
                1 TDA              chain fist, heavy flamer
                1 TDA              plasma cannon, power fist

Deathwing Knight Squad 'Albotayn'
Squad      Master      Flail of the Unforgiven, storm shield, Perfidous Relic of the Unforgiven
                 4 TDA      Mace of Absolution, storm shield

Deathwing Knight Squad 'Lamtara'
Squad      Master      Flail of the Unforgiven, storm shield
                 4 TDA      Mace of Absolution, storm shield

Detachment - Lastor and Retinue
Interrogator-Chaplain 'Lastor'
with crozius arcanum, rosarius, storm bolter, terminator armour, Shroud of Heroes

Deathwing Terminator Squad 'Zomize'
Squad      Sgt           power sword, storm bolter
                 2 TDA      chain fist, storm bolter
                 1 TDA      power fist, storm bolter
                 1 TDA      power fist, heavy flamer

Deathwing Terminator Squad 'Kingael'
Squad      Sgt           power sword, storm bolter
                 2 TDA      chain fist, storm bolter
                 1 TDA      power fist, storm bolter
                 1 TDA      power fist, plasma cannon

Deathwing Terminator Squad 'Achionadabir'
Squad      Sgt           power sword, storm bolter
                 2 TDA      chain fist, storm bolter
                 1 TDA      power fist, storm bolter
                 1 TDA      power fist, storm bolter, cyclone missile launcher

Detachment - Khirot and Retinue
Librarian 'Khirot'
with force stave, storm bolter, psychic hood, terminator armour, increased mastery level

Deathwing Terminator Squad 'Texal'
Squad      Sgt           power sword, storm bolter
                 2 TDA      chain fist, storm bolter
                 1 TDA      power fist, storm bolter
                 1 TDA      power fist, storm bolter, cyclone missile launcher

Deathwing Terminator Squad 'Raam'
Squad      Sgt           thunder hammer, storm shield
                 3 TDA      thunder hammer, storm shield
                 1 TDA      thunder hammer, storm shield, cyclone missile launcher

Deathwing Terminator Squad 'Focalor'
Squad      Sgt           lightning claws
                 3 TDA      lightning claws
                 1 TDA      lightning claws, cyclone missile launcher

Formation - Caestus 'Trident' Assault Force
Deathwing Knight Squad 'Paraschon'
Squad      Master      Flail of the Unforgiven, storm shield
                 4 TDA      Mace of Absolution, storm shield

Mounted in a Caestus Assault Ram
with frag assault launchers, teleport homer

Deathwing Terminator Assault Squad 'Hemehegon'
Squad      Sgt           thunder hammer, storm shield
                 4 TDA      thunder hammer, storm shield

Mounted in a Caestus Assault Ram
with frag assault launchers, teleport homer

Deathwing Terminator Assault Squad 'Vathmiel'
Squad      Sgt           lightning claws
                 4 TDA      ligntning claws

Mounted in a Caestus Assault Ram
with frag assault launchers, teleport homer

Venerable Dreadnought 'Ancient Demeymes'
with multi-melta, dreadnought CCW, storm bolter, extra armour

Mounted in a Lucius Pattern Drop Pod

Venerable Dreadnought 'Ancient Hothemegalon'
with TL lascannon, dreadnought CCW, heavy flamer, extra armour

Mounted in a Lucius Pattern Drop Pod

Venerable Dreadnought 'Ancient Varpiel'
with plasma cannon, dreadnought CCW, storm bolter, extra armour

Mounted in a Lucius Pattern Drop Pod

2nd Company
Sammael, Master of the Ravenwing
with jetbike, plasma cannon, Raven Sword (master-crafted power weapon), TL storm bolter

Ravenwing Command Squadron
Squad      Champion              Blade of Caliban, plasma talon
                Apothecary           Corvus Hammer, plasma talon
                Std Bearer            Ravenwing Company Banner
                1 Bike                  Corvus Hammer, plasma talon
                1 Bike                  Corvus Hammer, grenade launcher

Ravenwing Black Knights Squadron 'Iucuhosia'
                Hunt Master         power sword
                3 Bikes                Corvus Hammer, plasma talon
                1 Bike                  Corvus Hammer, grenade launcher

Ravenwing Attack Squadron 'Qedushiel'
Squad      Sgt Bike               storm bolter
                3 Bikes                 bolt pistol
                2 Bikes                 plasma gun
                Attack Bike           heavy bolter, bolt pistol
                Land Speeder      assault cannon, heavy bolter

Ravenwing Attack Squadron 'Putisiel'
Squad      Sgt Bike               power fist
                3 Bikes                 bolt pistol
                2 Bikes                 meltagun
                Attack Bike           multi-melta, bolt pistol
                Land Speeder      assault cannon, heavy bolter

Ravenwing Support Squadron 'Ranciel'
Squad      1 Land Speeder        typhoon missile launcher, heavy bolter
                1 Land Speeder        assault cannon, heavy bolter
                1 Land Speeder        multi-melta
                2 Land Speeders      heavy bolter

Ravenwing Support Squadron 'Diralisen'
Squad      1 Land Speeder        typhoon missile launcher, multi-melta
                1 Land Speeder        heavy flamer, multi-melta
                3 Land Speeders      multi-melta

Detachment - Ravenwing Heavy Support Squadron
Ravenwing Land Speeder Vengeance 'Divinum Posset'
with plasma storm battery, assault cannon

Ravenwing Land Speeder Vengeance 'Sancti Fortitudo'
with plasma storm battery, assault cannon

Ravenwing Land Speeder Vengeance 'Manus Dei'
with plasma storm battery, heavy bolter

Ravenwing Darkshroud 'Velata Stamen'
with heavy bolter

Ravenwing Darkshroud 'Caelos Obscuratus'
with assault cannon

Detachment - Air Superiority Squadron

Ravenwing Nephilim Jetfighter 'Celeri Pluvia'
with 6 x blacksword missiles, TL heavy bolter, TL lascannon, flyer ace

Ravenwing Nephilim Jetfighter 'Ascendam super Fulgur'
with 6 x blacksword missiles, TL heavy bolter, TL lascannon, flyer ace

Ravenwing Nephilim Jetfighter 'Venientem Tempestas'
with 6 x blacksword missiles, TL heavy bolter, avenger mega bolter, flyer ace

Ravenwing Darktalon 'Nubem Ortus'
with 2 x hurricane bolters, rift cannon, stasis bomb, flyer ace

Ravenwing Darktalon 'Effervere Ignis'
with 2 x hurricane bolters, rift cannon, stasis bomb, flyer ace

6th Company
Detachment - Company Command
Company Master 'Divorcon'
with power sword, bolt pistol

Command Squad
Squad      Apothecary      narthecium, reductor, chainsword
                Std Bearer       Company Standard, bolt pistol
                Champion        bolt pistol, power sword, combat shield
                Veteran            plasma gun
                Veteran            bolter

1st Tactical Squad 'Bedrimubal'
Squad      10 Infantry with multi-melta, meltagun
Vet. Sergeant has power fist, plasma pistol, melta bombs

2nd Tactical Squad 'Quitta'
Squad      10 Infantry with heavy bolter, flamer
Vet. Sergeant has a power sword, plasma pistol, melta bombs

Ravenwing Thunderhawk Gunship 'Imperatores Celeritas'
with thunderhawk cannon, 4 x TL heavy bolter, 2 x lascannon, 6 x bomb pylons, armoured cockpit, distinctive paint scheme

Detachment - Tactical Force
3rd Tactical Squad 'Utiridan'
Squad      10 Infantry with lascannon, meltagun
Vet. Sergeant has a bolter, melta bombs

Mounted in a Rhino
with pintle-mounted storm bolter, HK missile, extra armour

4th Tactical Squad 'Lamediel'
Squad      10 Infantry with plasma cannon, plasma gun
Vet. Sergeant has a plasma pistol, power weapomn, melta bombs

Mounted in a Rhino
with pintle-mounted storm bolter, HK missile, extra armour

Ravenwing Thunderhawk Transporter 'Alatum Fratres'
with 4 x TL heavy bolter, 6 x hellstrike missiles, distinctive paint scheme, armoured cockpit

Detachment - Tactical Support
5th Tactical Squad 'Disdros'
Squad      10 Infantry with heavy bolter, flamer
Vet. Sergeant has a chainsword, bolt pistol, melta bombs

6th Tactical Squad 'Hamadiel'
Squad      10 Infantry with missile launcher, plasma gun
Vet. Sergeant has a power maul, bolt pistol, melta bombs

Ravenwing Storm Eagle Gunship 'Mortem Super Alas'
with 4 x hellstrike missiles, TL heavy bolter, vengeance launcher, flyer ace

Detachment - Rapid Assault Force
7th Assault Squad 'Melnes'
Squad      10 Infantry with 2 x plasma pistol, 7 x bolt pistol
Vet. Sergeant has a plasma pistol, power fist, melta bombs

Mortis Dreadnought 'Ancient Onoitheon'
with 2 x TL heavy bolter, extra armour

Mortis Dreadnought 'Ancient Aimeh'
with 2 x TL autocannon, extra armour

Ravenwing Thunderhawk Gunship 'Angeli Clava'
with thunderhawk cannon, 4 x TL heavy bolter, 2 x lascannon, 6 x bomb pylons, armoured cockpit, distinctive paint scheme

Detachment - Rapid Assault Support
8th Assault Squad 'Seranna'
Squad      10 Infantry with 2 x plasma pistol, 7 x bolt pistol
Vet. Sergeant has a plasma pistol, power axe, melta bombs

Mortis Dreadnought 'Ancient Tuberiel'
with 2 x TL lascannon, extra armour

Mortis Dreadnought 'Ancient Asyramon'
with 2 x missile launcher, extra armour

Ravenwing Thunderhawk Gunship 'Volucrique Iustitia'
with turbo laser destructor, 4 x TL heavy bolter, 2 x lascannon, 6 x hellstrike missiles, armoured cockpit, distinctive paint scheme

Detachment - Devastator Response Unit
9th Devastator Squad 'Lirion'
Squad      10 Infantry with 2 x heavy bolter, 2 x plasma cannon
Vet. Sergeant has a bolter, chainsword, melta bombs

10th Devastator Squad 'Geonomos'
Squad      10 Infantry with 2 x missile launcher, 2 x lascannon
Vet. Sergeant has a plasma pistol, power maul

Ravenwing Storm Eagle Assault Gunship 'Volantes Fortitudo'
with TL heavy bolter, vengeance launcher, 2 x TL lascannon, flyer ace

Total Points - 15,924pts

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